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View Source: \contracts\ProductActivate.sol

↗ Extends: Initializable, OwnableUpgradeable




struct ActivationOffer {
 uint256 priceInTokens,
 uint256 value,
 address erc20token,
 string infoUrl,
 uint256 transferSurcharge,
 uint256 ricardianParent

Contract Members

Constants & Variables

mapping(uint256 => uint256) private TokenIdToOfferPrice;
mapping(uint256 => uint256) private TransferSurcharge;
contract ActivateToken private activateTokenInterface;
contract CreatorToken private creatorTokenInterface;
contract ImmutableEntity private entityInterface;
contract ImmutableProduct private productInterface;
contract StringCommon private commonInterface;



Initialize the ProductActivate smart contract Called during first deployment only (not on upgrade) as this is an OpenZepellin upgradable contract

function initialize(address commonAddr, address entityContractAddr, address productContractAddr, address activateTokenAddr, address creatorTokenAddr) public nonpayable initializer 


Name Type Description
commonAddr address The StringCommon contract address
entityContractAddr address The ImmutableEntity token contract address
productContractAddr address The ImmutableProduct token contract address
activateTokenAddr address The ActivateToken token contract address
creatorTokenAddr address The CreatorToken token contract address


Create manual product activation license for end user. mes.sender must own the entity and product. Costs 1 IuT token if sender not registered as automatic

function activateCreate(uint256 productIndex, uint256 licenseHash, uint256 licenseValue, uint256 transferSurcharge, uint256 ricardianParent) external nonpayable


Name Type Description
productIndex uint256 The specific ID of the product
licenseHash uint256 the activation license hash from end user
licenseValue uint256 the value of the license
transferSurcharge uint256 the additional cost/surcharge to transfer
ricardianParent uint256 The Ricardian contract parent (if any)


Purchase a digital product activation license. mes.sender is the purchaser.

function activatePurchase(uint256 entityIndex, uint256 productIndex, uint256 offerIndex, uint16 numPurchases, uint256[] licenseHashes, uint256[] ricardianClients) external payable


Name Type Description
entityIndex uint256 The entity offering the product license
productIndex uint256 The specific ID of the product
offerIndex uint256 the product activation offer to purchase
numPurchases uint16 the number of offers to purchase
licenseHashes uint256[] Array of end user identifiers to activate
ricardianClients uint256[] Array of end client agreement contracts


Move a digital product activation license. mes.sender must be the activation license owner.

function activateMove(uint256 entityIndex, uint256 productIndex, uint256 oldLicenseHash, uint256 newLicenseHash) external nonpayable


Name Type Description
entityIndex uint256 The entity who owns the product
productIndex uint256 The specific ID of the product
oldLicenseHash uint256 the existing activation identifier
newLicenseHash uint256 the new activation identifier


Offer a digital product license for resale. mes.sender must own the activation license.

function activateOfferResale(uint256 entityIndex, uint256 productIndex, uint256 licenseHash, uint256 priceInEth) external nonpayable


the tokenId of the activation offered for resale


Name Type Description
entityIndex uint256 The entity who owns the product
productIndex uint256 The specific ID of the product
licenseHash uint256 the existing activation identifier
priceInEth uint256 The ETH cost to purchase license


Transfer/Resell a digital product activation license. License must be ‘for sale’ and msg.sender is new owner.

function activateTransfer(uint256 entityIndex, uint256 productIndex, uint256 licenseHash, uint256 newLicenseHash) external payable


Name Type Description
entityIndex uint256 The entity who owns the product
productIndex uint256 The specific ID of the product
licenseHash uint256 the existing activation identifier to purchase
newLicenseHash uint256 the new activation identifier after purchase


Query activate token offer price

function activateTokenIdToOfferPrice(uint256 tokenId) external view


The price of the token if for sale


Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 The activate token identifier
